Tuesday 28 September 2010

Analysis of existing music - Analysis 1

Analysis 1: Pixee Lott 'Turn it up'
Pixee lott is a young singer who works mostly in the genre 'Pop & Hip Hop'. All of her songs are very catchy, with an upbeat feel to them. The video contains a catchy dance rountine which continues throughout her whole video, with many long shots of Pixee and her back up dancers dancing to show body shots and show clear shots of the dance rountine. The video does not just contain shots of them all dancing, it tells a story so the camera uses a variety of shots and swifts from shot to shot. By using long body shots it helps to show off the costume that Pixee is wearing, it involves her wearing her trademark high waisted shorts that show off her image. It helps to fit in with the image that she wants to get across to her target audience as being sexy by showing skin, such as her legs but in a subtle way and still showing she is sending across a positive image and now showing to much skin or revealing to much. Her trademark shorts are keeping up with the fashion, as she wants to come across as stylish to her target audience and appeal to them as this is mainly young girls age 5 - 20 as Pixee is also in this age group.
As well as using long shots, the video also includes a number of mid shots mostly focusing on Pixee to show her connecting with the camera and her audience, mid shots are also used on small details such as on her costume and dancers footwork, this is a very simple yet effective technique they have used.
The dance rountine was set on a roof of a tower building. With the rountine being filmed outdoors it makes the dance look a lot more interesting and appealing. The camera also goes into a pan shot of the dancers to show off their rountine and costumes, it looks very effective as you are able to clearly see what they are doing and whether the dance works well with the song. The music video contains a narrative story that fits in well with the song lyrics and has performance cuts put in to make the video look more interesting to watch. The way that the video brings Pixee across is a very positive image as she looks trendy and is not revealing to much so does not look to perogative. In another scene of the the video performance shots are taken of Pixee walking down the road, a clear straight road, Pixie dancing alone on the roof and sat in the car whilst its raining. These shots contain a lot of close ups to show her emotion, long shots and mid shots to show Pixee dancing and to still capture the emotion in her face.
Extreme close ups are used throughout the video of hands and props such as the mobile phone. This looks effective as it gives the audience a better idea of whats going on in the scene and gives these objects an idea of importance at the points in the video when they are shown.

Ideas for album cover

These are previous 'The Saturdays' album covers that me and my group could recreate. Many include a plain black background which we could do in the photography part of our school with a little bit of editing or photoshop.
The bold writing can easily be done. I particulary like the way they have wrote their band name in the sand, I think it looks very effective and this could be an idea that our group can recreate and add in to our ideas to change it a little.


Group discussion of ideas > Create blog > Planning > Research > Planning Dance Routine >Learn Dance Routine > Storyboard > More Research > Photoshoot > Plan Shots, Editing, Costume, make- up, hair etc. > Practice Filming > Filming > Filming > Editing > Evaluation.

Friday 17 September 2010

Conventions of chosen genre

We have choosen to re-invent 'The Saturdays' and call the group 'The Sundays'. The genre that they create in their music and music videos is 'Pop'. A Pop video usually includes fashionable outfits, usually these outfits are quite colorful and easy for fans to copy and create themselves. The outfits are usually colorful because this goes with their upbeat dance routine that appeal to their particular target audience and it makes the video more interesting and eye catching to watch.
The location of the video is tend to usually be either outdoors in a bright light walking down a street or in a park etc, or on a plain white/black/ colorful background in a studio, but this depends on the song as the video theme tends to fit into what the song is about and the message it trys to bring across to the audience.
In the video we have choosen to recreate, 'Work' by 'The Saturdays' it is set in a dark area with flashing spot lights that focus on the characters when there dancing or when one steps forward to sing to make them look effective. It is set on a large stage with them doing a dance rountine each taking it in turn to sing a different part of the song where the camera and lighting focus's on that one person. The camera also does zoom in shots or shots that focus one each of the characters alone either stood up, sat on a sofa or doing a dance move for about 3 or 4 seconds. This is to draw the audience into the characters and because they look appealing they will want to carry on watching the video and possibly return back and watch it on constantly on websites such as 'Youtube.com'.
The video is set in the same place throughout the whole video and they use a variety of shots throughout the video to make the video interesting and appealing.

Friday 10 September 2010

about each of 'The Saturdays'

Una Hearly - an irish singer, song writer, dancer & guitarist!

Mollie King - an english singer who came from London. She started off as a solo artist and appeared on X factor back in 2005 & 2006!

Rochelle Wiseman - a singer, actor & telelvision presenter who was a member of S club 8 back in her younger days!

Frankie Stanford - is an english singer, who was also a previous member of S club 8, then became a member of a childen's television programme called 'Dream' and is now a member of The Saturdays!

Vanessa White - an english singer who is noted for her extensive vocal change. She has been compared to famous American singers such as Alicia Keys & Beyonce!

'The Saturdays'

The Saturdays are a young girl band that are made up of five young girls around 20 years old, each with their own individual style and personalities. The genre of the music they create is 'Pop'. They appeal to a large target audience that mainly include girls that are ranged from 14 - 20 year olds, although they do appeal to younger and older people, both genders through there music and publicity.
They are of a similar age and they sing songs that can relate to a younger audience and is more appealing for them. The Saturdays put across a very sexy and likeable image as they wear very perogative outfits and their dance routines involve a lot of seductive and sexy movements, to appeal to the fans and put across their image. This would appeal to young females as they may want to try and become like 'The Saturdays' and may think of them as role models, although because of the types of dance moves and outfits they choose to wear this can attract a male audicence aswell.

'Work' lyrics - the song we are going to recreate.

Baby the harder you work the further you get with me. With me.
I think you can. I think you can.
Turn up prepared and make sure you can keep up with me. With Me.
I think you can.I think you can.
But be aware I always get what I deserve.
Keep your focus keep you nerve.

Pick up the pace and step on it!
Rip up the place if you want it!
Work!Work!You know you gotta work!Work!
I got the goods and I want you.
Put your boots on baby get to work!Work!
You know you gotta work!Work!

I tend to get what I want so are you starting to see?
I think you do.I think you do.
It's time for you to step up if you wanna be with me.
With me.I think you do.I think you do.
But don't go slow.
That is not the way we play.
Slowly aint my kind of game.

Pick up the pace and step on it!
Rip up the place if you want it! Work! Work!
You know you gotta work! Work!
I got the goods and I want you.
Put your boots on baby get to work! Work!
You know you gotta work! Work!

And it's up to you how far we take this.
Yes it's up to you so take the lead.
And it's up to you so tell me what I gotta sign.
Waiting at the finish line.
baby. Ready. Set. Go.

Pick up the pace and step on it!
Rip up the place if you want it! Work! Work!
You know you gotta work!Work!
I got the goods and I want you.
Put your boots on baby get to work!Work!
You know you gotta Work! Work!
Pick up the pace and step on it!
Rip up the place if you want it!Work! Work!
You know you gotta work!Work!
I got the goods and I want you.
Put your boots on baby get to Work! Work!
You know you gotta work!Work!

ideas for music video.

For our media project we have decided to produce a music video that will target a young age group ranging from around 14 - 20 years olds. This means the group that we are producing will have to be young, fresh, appealing and unique from other girl bands that have been produced and targeted a large audience of the public such as 'Girls Aloud'. We have choosen to create a girl band similar to the group 'The Saturdays'.
We produced a record label that goes by the name 'Rouge Records' because this name has a feminine feel to it aswell as the name sounding sophisticated and professional image and it fits in well with our idea. Now that we have come to a decision of what the record label was going to be named we then moved on to choosing the name for our girl group to also give across the same image and feel to the name. We were focusing mainly on just 'The Saturdays' and producing a girl band that is very similar we decided on the name The Sundays because we wanted to have a similar theme and relate our name to a weekday/weekend as it sounds catchy.
After deciding on the name of the band the next step was to find or produce a song that we knew would give across a girly image and was a song we all felt confortable with singing and dancing along to. After searching across the internet we decided on the song 'Work' for our music video that was produced by 'The Saturdays' as we all agreed that we prefered this song from the other options, and also the video for this song is quite simple yet effective and gave us a lot of inspiration and ideas that we could do for our video to make it give across a similar girly band image to our target audience.
We decided that our target audience will be mainly young females aged from 14 - 20 year olds, our secondary audience would also be boys in a similar age group. I think that our band would appeal to this audience as we are in this age group and it is the sort of music that a younger group would relate to. its catchy so it will hopefully grap their attention straight away and find it appealing.