Wednesday 18 May 2011

Branding our group.

Brand indentity is a very important section to do when it comes to advertising new or existing artists because this is how your audience will recognise the artist and the image they are trying to bring across. Me and my group researched into existing artists and decided to produce a girl band that followed a similar brand image to 'The Saturdays'. When you look at or hear of the Saturdays words such as 'girly, provocotive, young and sexy' instantly pop into mind because of the outifts they wear and the brand identity they have produced.

As a group we wanted to create a brand identity similar to The Saturdays as I feel as though we accomplished this and produced an effective combination. We created our brand image and identity through our costumes, feminine image and poses in picutres. We posted a status on facebook asking what words pop to mind when you see an image of 'The Sundays' as these are the results we got; Sexy, Fun, Young and Feminine.

We were very happy with the results we recieved from our target audience because it showed us that all the hard work and time we put into branding our image payed off and we produced a practical that we are all proud of!

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