Wednesday 4 May 2011

Evaluation - What have you learnt from your audience feedback?

Through creating a group on facebook, which is a large social networking site that is used by millions of people it allowed me and my group to gain some positive and negative audience feedback. By creating this group it allowed people to access our work and give us comments on our videos and photos so we could see if there was any areas that needed to be improved. The audience is who your appealing to so by getting feedback from them it helps you to adjust your product to their wants and needs and by keeping them updated on your progress it makes them feel more involved and that you are going to take their comments into consideration.

Creating a facebook group was very useful because if we had ideas that we werent to sure about we could upload the idea onto our facebook group and have our audience give us their advice or what to do. Also it ensured us that if there were any ideas that needed to be improved on or develop any ideas that weren't as strong we would be able to find a solution. We wanted our video to be appealing and interesting to watch so we concentrated alot on making sure our audience was happy with our ideas and kept them updated every step of the way.
Also we uploaded our video onto youtube because its a large site used by millions of people each day so we thought that would be a good way to gain more audience feedback. This allowed a wider range of people to view our video.

We receieved feedback saying we needed to add more narrative into our video as our audience thought it made the video more exciting to watch, so we took this into consideration and added a lot more narrative into our music video whiolst creating a good balance of narrative and performance shots. By getting audience feedback it helped us a group to progress and develop our music video to a high standard and that our audience would be happy to watch.
Audience feedback is a very important section to consider, its quite time consuming but is worth it because it helps you get feedback on your ideas and thoughts.

Through using sites such as facebook and youtube to find out our audience feedback we made some specific changes to our practical including; re filming shots of us all performing the dance rountine because we got feedback saying they were too dark, locations; we got told to use a variety of locations and keep the lighting quite bright so the girls stand out and the audiene are drawn straight into looking at them rather than the surroundings. Audience feedback was definitly a stage that we needed to take time on and make sure we took the feedback in and done the changes in order for our practical to be successful and appeal to our audience.

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