Wednesday 4 May 2011

Evaluation - How effective is the combination of your main product & your anciliary tasks?

Balancing producing our main task along with our ancilary tasks was a struggle but me and my group got there in the end. The combination of our main task and ancilary tasks has been very effective and the original ideas we thought of changed as we started to create our main and anciliary tasks.
Firstly with our CD cover as a group we came up with the idea to each of us on chair doing a certain pose and having each girl wearing a different bright colour so the girls would be assosicated with their own colour. This idea is very similar to one of 'The Saturdays' CD covers as they have been recognised in their photoshoots, videos and CD covers by a wearing a certain colour. As a group we felt this idea would be very effective and the when it was done we thought it would look very interesting and eye catching to draw a larger audience into our products. We felt this idea fits in with the typical conventions of a Pop CD cover because of the use of bright colours, it comes across as a very feminine idea and it represents the girl band in a very positive way.
The next stage was then to create a booklet to go inside our CD cover basically introducing the girls in more detail and getting to know a little more about each individual girl. In the booklet we included pictures of the band and our song lyrics. We had a picture of each girl with the lyrics to the part of the song they sing photoshoped on next to them. This looked very effective as we made sure we took each photo of the girls in the same location but each doing a different pose and wearing different outfits so there personality could be reflected through their clothing and posture.
The second Anciliary task we were creating was a magazine advertisement of our new song 'Work'. The idea for this task was very creative, we decided that because our song was called work that we each girl should dress up in well known obvious job occupations such as a doctor, receptionist, life guard, police officer and a builder, whilst adding their own feminine touch to the outfit to keep the girls coming across as girly, sexy and feminine. This made the poster look very appealing and interesting because the costumes related to the name of the song therefore it makes it easily recognisable. The use of bright colours and exaggerated poses also helped to draw in a large audience because it made the girls stand out and look eye catching whilst we used a plain black background. The poster also helped us to represent our narrative message 'Girl Power' that we reflected in our music video, as it shows the band in a dominant position and shows they have authority. Being able to reflect our narrative message through our main and anciliary tasks was a major concept me and my group wanted to accomplish because without narrative the video would have no meaning and would be seen as plain and boring.
Lastly, our main taks which was to produce the music video turnt out to be very effective because we included many codes and conventions of a typical Pop styled music video but we challenged them also by adding in our own ideas to make it more appealing and attract a larger audience. We used a variety of locations throughout the music video to keep it looking interesting and some of the locations are what you would expect to see if you were watching a Pop music video. We used a variety of different camera shots, angles and movements throughout the whole video to keep it looking interesting and in some areas to create suspense. When it came to editing the final video we used some special effects such as 'Slow Motion', 'Reverse Shot' and 'Zooming' this was to keep the video eye catching and interesting to watch. Without any effects the video would have been very plain so it was a good idea for us to add some effects. We also added some narrative shots into the video which is a typical convention of pop videos as we wanted to reflect our narrative message 'Girl Band' in a fun creative way. Once again this was to make the video more entertaining and to draw a large audience into watching our product as you have a story to watch as well as watching performance shots of the girls dancing.
In conclusion I think that the combination of our main task and anciliary tasks turnt out to be very effective and we did a good job of making sure we balanced this out and spent enough time producing them to the highest standard we possibly could.

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