Tuesday, 5 October 2010

mise - en - scene.

For our music video we have come to the decision to film it in two different locations, the main hall and the photography studio. The lighting in the scenes filmed on the stage will be quite dark with a few flashing lights and spotlights to create the effect of performing a show. Whereas in the photography studio the lighting will be alot brighter and we can adjust it so this will make the shots alot clearer so you can see who's singing and what time and the costumes we are wearing. We hav decided that we are all going to be wearing black dress/shorts with high heels when performing the dance rountine to follow the sexy image 'The Saturdays' bring across to their audience.
We have decided we are going to keep the props to a minmial as we dont have a budget.
There will be alot of bright lights with a black setting when we are in the hall, then in the photography studio the lighting will be very bright so there is a slight contrast in color to give off that dramatic effect.
When filming in the photography studio we are planning on wearing more casual clothes such as black leggins and a bright plain colored top with a pair of heels. Instead of wearing all black we decided to wear a colored top so it will add a splash of color to the video and the heels will help us to bring across the sexy image 'The Saturdays' usually bring across to their target audience. We decided to use some props in the video, just like 'The Saturdays' do in their video. After watching the video '
Work' over and over again we have decided which props we are going to use when creating our video. We are going include props accosicated with the video 'Work' the name of the song and performing. These will include props such as microphones, chair, weights, as this will add more interest to the video.
After researchng 'The Saturdays' in a lot of detail we noticed that they always wear alot of big make-up so this is what we are also going to do throughout our video. Dark smokey eyes, brightly colored lips, false eyelashes so we come across really feminine and seductive and sexy.

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