Thursday, 3 February 2011

Existing Media.

This is a CD cover of 'The Saturday's' album that me and my group found appealing and wanted to focus our CD cover idea with a similar theme. Instead of holding our album cover name on magazines and having each girl holding one we came up with the creative idea to paint the letters on each girl's hand and have the album name shown that way. This image gave us some inspiration to come up with this idea and links us to the band we chose to use to base our song and some ideas on.
As a group we decided to challenge some of the typical conventions you see on this CD cover. Some of the typical conventions we are choosing to challenege are; our outifts may not be as colourful because we have decided to give the girls a edgy rock chick look to them rather than the typical feminine image you would usually see.
By going for a more edgy rock chick look for our girl band we thought it would make our music video and girl band more interesting and appealing. Although we've chose to bring across this type of image we are still going to follow some of the typical conventions by having the girls still looking happy, feminine and seductive. By rather than have them looking innocent and similar to the usual girl band's a audience would expect to see we've decided to take a different approach and challenge the conventions to 'Rock Chick' so the audience will be more drawn into our music video because this is not done often by many artists.

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