Thursday, 3 February 2011


The concept of Genre is important when looking into and producing media texts because it makes you look at the codes and conventions used in order to create the genre and the techniques used to make the genre effective. The concept of genre was very useful in helping me and my group to understand the codes and coventions our chosen genre follow so we could create our music video. We decided to challenge some of the typical conventions so it would make our music video more interesting.
Rick Altman disagrees with this concept as he thought that if you follow the typical conventions of a genre everything becomes predictive, viewers will know what to expect and viewers become passive voyeurs meaning that genres are therefore restrictive. Whereas, Andrew Goodwin had a theory which was 'music videos are simply an extention of the lyrics' this theory related to our project because the lyrics of a song tell a story and the video an artist produces is usually about what the story of the song is trying to tell. This is done by acting out the narrative of the story in the video.
Our music video fits in with other music videos as we stuck to using some of the typical conventions of a 'Pop' genre music video and still involves a lot of the elements you would typically see a girl band doing. For example; having a dance rountine in their music video.

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